Saving money doesn’t have to be difficult – small changes can make a big difference, like not buying lunch every day or coffee on the go.

Here are 10 ways to start saving money now:

1. Track your expenses for a week to see where you’re spending unnecessarily

2. Cut back on unnecessary spending, like eating out or buying coffee every day

3. Invest in interest-bearing accounts to earn money on your savings

4. Use cash instead of credit cards to avoid interest and fees

5. Save money on groceries by cooking at home and meal planning

6. Consider carpooling or taking public transportation to save on gas

7. Save on interest charges by paying off your credit card balance in full each month

8. Make a budget and stick to it to stay on track with your finances

9. Save money on entertainment by renting movies instead of going out to the theater

10. Plan ahead and prepare meals and coffee at home instead of eating out

Every time you cut an expense, put that money into savings and watch your money begin to grow!